Revelation: The Bridge from this Age to the Next

By Steven J. Hogan

The Most Relevant
I cannot think of a more relevant book to read at this time in history than the Book of Revelation.

It takes us from the end-times, in which we are now living, to the end of this age, to the rapture of the Church, to the Day of the Lord, to the salvation of the Jewish people, to Christ’s takeover of the world, to the Millennial (1,000-year) Kingdom, and finally to the eternal kingdom.

It’s about the Christians, the Jews, the unbelievers, Satan, and the Antichrist; most importantly, the Book of Revelation is about Jesus Christ, for its proper title is “The Revelation of Jesus Christ.”

Chapters 1-11
Revelation Chapter 1 gives us an awesome and powerful description of its main character, Jesus Christ, our Lord, Priest, and King. Chapters 2 and 3 record Jesus’ letters to 7 churches, vital instructions for those churches and all churches since, including those now existing in these end-times. Then there’s Chapter 4, “the heavenly chapter,” for it speaks about our Creator God and His holiness, which is foundational and central to this entire end-times document, to all that God is, and to all He will do.

Chapter 5 is about our Savior God, Jesus Christ, and His epic victory over sin and death – His key to taking back the world from Satan. We next move on to Chapter 6, where we see Christ breaking 6 seals, the first 4 resulting in a series of end-time circumstances, fake religion, wars, famine, and death (see also Matthew 24:4-8). Before long, the 5th seal is broken, resulting in the great persecution of Christians.

That time of suffering – and yes, serving the Lord – will suddenly be stopped by the 6th seal, which are the signs in the heavens, dramatically marking the end of this Church Age. Chapter 7 speaks about the sealing of 144,000 Jews, a sign to us that God’s plans for them are being fulfilled. This chapter is also about Christians, their rapture from Earth, their appearance before God, along with a multitude of other believers, and they are all crying out, “Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb” (v. 10). This is followed by 30 minutes of pure silence in Heaven, for the Day of the Lord is about to begin.

Chapters 8 and 9 vividly describe this “Day” – the trumpet judgments, which is God’s devastating wrath being poured out upon a wicked and deserving world. Chapters 10 and 11 tell us much more about God’s plans for the Jewish people. There’s talk about the temple, 2 wonder-working witnesses, and the sounding of the 7th trumpet, at which time the kingdom of the world will become the kingdom of Christ.

This will be one of the most critical and climactic moments in all of history, for Jesus Christ, as Lord and King, takes back control of this world from Satan, and then mercifully saves a remnant of Jewish people.

Chapters 12-22
What about Satan and the Antichrist, our worst enemies? Chapters 12 and 13 is a diabolical 2-chapter interlude where we see Satan trying to stop Christ, the Antichrist being worshiped by the world, Jews and Christians being persecuted, and unbelievers taking the mark of the beast.

This spiritual warfare may seem to be “scary stuff,” but what you must see is that Satan is defeated, for he is the loser, and Christ is the King of the world, the Winner, and reigning Champion.

Chapter 14 gives many more details, telling us about 144,000 Jews, Babylon the great, global evangelism, the Rapture, and the punishing wrath of God. Chapters 15 and 16 focus on the second phase of the Day of the Lord, God’s judgment of His evil enemies – specifically that of the Antichrist’s kingdoms. Seven bowls of wrath are rapidly poured out upon the earth, lasting 30 merciless days.

Finally, there’s the great battle of Armageddon, at which time Jesus Christ will crush the wicked kingdoms of the world. Chapters 17-18, another interlude, tell us more about the Antichrist’s evil 10-nation empire.

It also talks about Babylon the Great, which is Satan’s counterfeit religious system and seductive economic system – his deceptive means of controlling the world. God’s righteous wrath will cleanse the world from all such contaminants so that Christ, with a clean slate, can establish His Kingdom on a reconstituted earth.

Chapters 19 and 20 describe a huge victory celebration in Heaven, for Satan will be defeated and the Antichrist cast into the lake of fire. Most importantly, there will be the beautiful marriage supper of the Lamb. Just imagine being gloriously perfect, inside and out, and being with Jesus Christ and all the other believers!

Revelation 20 tells us about Christ’s 1,000-year Kingdom, as well as the most sobering scene of all, when all sinners will be judged and cast into the lake of fire, where they will remain forever. Finally, we come to Chapters 21 and 22 and the new heavens and new Earth, our beautiful brand new home, and the eternal Kingdom of God.

The Big Picture
I have mentioned many important details about the future, but I hope you see the big picture, that the Book of Revelation is a bridge which takes us from the end-times of this Church Age to the Kingdom Ages (the Millennial and the eternal). Revelation may be the end of the Bible, but it’s surely not the end of the story. It is what God has given us so we can know what will take place between this age and the next.

I pray God will give you the grace to comprehend it, and to then share it with your family, friends, and fellow church members. “Blessed is the one who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book” (Revelation 22:7).

Steven Hogan has been a pastor-teacher for the past 25 years, and the pastor at Hope Bible Church of Tampa since 2003.

Published by zionshopeministry

Zion's Hope proclaims the Bible while declaring the Gospel of God's grace in Jesus throughout the world, with emphasis on Israel in history and prophecy.

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