Leave the ‘Hows’ to God

By Dr. Michael Weis

“Then His disciples said to Him, ‘Where could we get enough bread in the wilderness to fill such a great multitude?’ Jesus said to them, ‘How many loaves do you have?’ And they said, ‘Seven, and a few little fish’” (Matthew 15:33-34).

Overwhelming Situation
Jesus had healed many people while traveling on the eastern shore of the Sea of Galilee. The masses had been accompanying with him for 3 days, and they were hungry. Jesus had compassion on them and wanted to feed them, but the disciples didn’t know how He would do it with so few resources.

The Lord had everyone sit, blessed the little He had, and commanded the disciples to feed the people. When it was all over, the people were all fed and filled, and there were even 7 large baskets full of food left over!

The number of people was probably about 10,000 people, of which 4,000 men are written of in verse 38. This was the second time recorded where Jesus fed a great multitude where the disciples witnessed it – Matthew 14:13-21 was the first. They still didn’t understand.

“How,” Not “Where”
Before the miracle – when Jesus had announced that He wanted to feed the masses (v. 32), the disciples asked Him: “… where will we get this food to feed these people.” In reality, their true question was not “where,” but “how.”

The disciples could not envision how they could feed so many people with so few resources. They wanted to do the Lord’s will, but failed to understand how they would do it.

In essence, they replied to Him, “How can You ask us to do this when we don’t have the funds, the food, or the capability to do it? How can You ask this of us? It’s impossible! How are we going to do this?”

Other individuals in God’s plan of redemption asked the same question:

  • Sarah asked how she could have a child in her old age (Genesis 18:10-12).
  • Moses wondered how he could speak to Pharaoh and how he could free the children of Israel from Egypt (Exodus 3).
  • The prophet Isaiah asked “how long” it would be until his people Israel would see and understand (6:10-11).
  • Mary asked how she could have a child when she was a virgin (Luke 1:34).
  • The martyrs from the beginning of Daniel’s 70th Week cry how long it would be before justice is done (Revelation 6:10).

Next to the question of “why” is the question of “how.”

Obedience and Faith
Jesus didn’t explain how the feeding would take place; He simply called them to obey by faith. The disciples did so, and the Lord did the miraculous.

Most of the time however, our minds cannot comprehend the “hows” of God. We don’t know how He works all things together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). And though we ask “How,” God is not obligated to explain it to us; He simply tells us to obey Him by faith. 

What about you? What are you trying to figure out?

Perhaps you know God wants you to do something, but are unsure of how God will work it out. It could be which school to attend, a move, a job decision, a relationship, or financial decision. It is the nature of people to worry about “how” God will do something because we want all answers given to us up front.

The Lord, however, does not always work that way. Very often He has lessons He wants us to learn from not knowing “how.”

So, the next time you just have to know “how” God will do something, remember that your job is to be obedient to His will and walk in faith.

Be obedient to God, and He will take care of the hows!

Dr. Michael Weis is a pastor, video operator, editor, and social media manager at Zion’s Hope.

Published by zionshopeministry

Zion's Hope proclaims the Bible while declaring the Gospel of God's grace in Jesus throughout the world, with emphasis on Israel in history and prophecy.

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