From Freedom to Bondage

Dr. By Michael Weis

“Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage” (Galatians 5:1).

Embracing Legalism
In this verse, Paul is correcting error in the Galatian church spread by Judaizers. They were teaching that believers needed to follow the Old Testament Law in addition to God’s grace in order to be saved. Paul was not standing for it. He pronounces judgment on those who proclaim a false gospel (1:8-9).

Sadly, at least some believers in Christ (primarily Jewish) fell back under the burden of the Law, which can neither save nor can be fulfilled  (Acts 15:6-11). Those who were deceived fell into legalism, that is, believing one can be right with God through the Old Testament Law in addition to God’s grace.

Paul urged them not to fall back into bondage, but to stand fast in the freedom Christ had bought for them.

What Christ Has Done
Those embracing legalism forgot what grace was and attempted to go back to what was familiar, comfortable, and binding. Yet, rather than freedom, it put them back into the bondage Jesus had freed them from.

Why is this? They didn’t appreciate our freedom because they didn’t  remember our bondage. They forgot the yoke they bore under the Law and did not appreciate the freedom they had. They were content with returning to their bondage. To combat this, Paul taught them of what Christ had accomplished on the cross – freeing us from the bondage of slavery and giving us new life in His grace.

Whenever we try to attain God’s approval by our own works, we lose hope because sooner or later we recognize we can’t measure up to God’s standards described in the Law. We place ourselves, as Paul puts it, under a “yoke” – a large wooden device farmers used to control oxen when plowing a field. It was a heavy, burdensome weight the animals bore.

Embrace His Grace
Today, many Christians have forgotten the bondage they used to be in concerning sin. They forget that before coming to Christ they were under condemnation, and that this condemnation was lifted through Christ alone (John 3:18-20).

So many who have been freed by God’s grace return to bondage, or legalism, put a yoke upon themselves, or allow someone else to do it. They begin to think Christ’s sacrifice for them is insufficient, that they have to “do something” to keep in good standing with God.  This is not grace. This is not the Gospel. 

The way to freedom is to understand God’s grace, and that no amount of human effort can keep it. Is grace a license to sin? Never. Grace does not mean there are no rules or boundaries. Rather, grace – or liberty, or freedom – is to live in the joy God has given to us in Christ for His glory and purposes for our lives.

Are you living in the grace and freedom of Christ? Do you recognize the spiritual bankruptcy, condemnation, and damnation you were under because you broke God’s Law before He in His grace reached down and saved you?

Obey God because you love Him for what He has done for you out of His grace and love. Never feel that you have to return to the bondage of works in securing God’s gift of salvation. Accept it freely and live freely in Him!

Dr. Michael Weis is a pastor, video operator, editor, and social media manager at Zion’s Hope.

Published by zionshopeministry

Zion's Hope proclaims the Bible while declaring the Gospel of God's grace in Jesus throughout the world, with emphasis on Israel in history and prophecy.

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