The Antichrist is Coming (Part 3)

Read Part 1 Here.

Read Part 2 Here.

By Marvin J. Rosenthal

His Appearance
In appearance, the beast of Revelation 13 [the Antichrist] represents both a kingdom and a king, and is nondescript. That is, there is no one animal which can accurately represent the beast’s appearance because there is no one animal which can reflect its character.

For this reason it is described as a composite beast. John wrote: “And the beast that I saw was like a leopard, and his feet were like those of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion” (v. 2a). This is immediately reminiscent of the beasts of Daniel 7.

The leopard represented the agility and speed of the Grecian Empire of Alexander the Great. The feet of a bear represented the lumbering power of the Medo-Persian Empire, and the mouth of a lion represented the fear and ferociousness of the Babylonian Empire of Nebuchadnezzar.

His Wound and Restoration
In speaking of the king, we are told: “And the dragon [Satan] gave him his power and his throne, and great authority” (v. 2b). John saw one of the 7 heads of the beast “as if it had been fatally wounded” (v. 3). This is precisely the same Greek wording used of Christ and translated “as if slaughtered” (Revelation 5:6).

If Jesus, at His crucifixion actually died (and He did), it must be concluded that one of the heads of the beast actually died. But more than that, John tells us “his fatal wound was healed” (v. 3). This can only be referring to a restoration to life. Some don’t want to attribute this power to Satan – but I believe it is so.

Since a “head” of the beast can refer to both a kingdom and its king, the question is: “Who or what died and was raised to life again?” Is the text referring to 1 of the 7 kingdoms over which the beast ruled which died and came back into existence, or is it referring to a king of 1 of the 7 kingdoms who died and was brought back to life?

Either, or both, could be true. If only one of the options is chosen, it would seem to me that a king – the Antichrist, himself – is in view and that the restoration to life will be observable by the masses of people. As a result of the restoration of the Antichrist to life, John wrote, “And the whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast” (v. 3c).

In response to repeated questions, Jesus told the Jewish leaders that the sign (miracle or wonder) to authenticate all He did in life and death would be His resurrection (John 2:18-21). Satan, therefore, will perform a counterfeit resurrection to authenticate his counterfeit message concerning the Antichrist. Jesus was resurrected, never to die again. The Antichrist will be raised from the dead, but eventually, he will be thrown into the abyss for eternity (Revelation 19:20).

Beware of Deception
One cannot help but reflect on the Lord’s comments in His discourse on the Mount of Olives. He said: “See to it that no one misleads you. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and they will mislead many people” (Matthew 24:4-5).

 And again, He said: “For false christs and false prophets will arise and will provide great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect” (Matthew 24:24). What greater counterfeit sign could there be than one being raised from the dead?

As a result of these things: “[T]hey [the mass of humanity] worshiped the dragon [Satan] because he gave his authority to the beast [the Antichrist]; and they worshiped the beast, saying, ‘Who is like the beast, and who is able to wage war with him?’” (Revelation 13:4).

The Antichrist will blaspheme God, but his power will be limited to 3½ years (v. 6).

During part of that period of time, he will persecute believers and establish a one-world government: “It was also given to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them [only in the physical realm and only for a short time], and authority was given to him over every tribe, people, language, and nation” (v. 7).

Again, we are told: “And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world” (v. 8). The world will worship the Antichrist. But there is a crucial exception. All will worship him, “whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world” (v. 8).

The powerful truth being revealed is this: Those whose names are written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world will not worship the Antichrist. A line from a chorus we used to sing in seminary years ago comes to mind: “More secure is no one ever, than the loved ones of the Savior.”

Understand This
Then, suddenly, in the midst of this discussion of the dragon (Satan) and the beast (the Antichrist) and the persecution of the sons and daughters of God, John proclaims: “If anyone has an ear, let him hear” (v.9).

It is an immediate reminder of Matthew’s comment in the midst of the Lord’s teaching on the Great Tribulation. Matthew wrote, “let the reader understand” (Matthew 24:15). In both instances, the idea is this: The subject being discussed is critically important; therefore, make every effort to understand it, because it is truth Satan will make every effort to keep the Church from understanding.

Suddenly we are given a promise of righteous vindication and divine justice with these words: “If anyone is destined for captivity, to captivity he goes; if anyone kills with the sword, with the sword he must be killed” (v. 10a). Here is the ultimate manifestation of capital punishment. It is an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. There are no excuses – there are no exceptions. Those who have persecuted or slain God’s sons and daughters will suddenly have the roles reversed. What the unsaved have done to believers, God will do to them.

It is not a matter of revenge; it is a matter of justice. “Here is the perseverance and the faith of the saints” (v. 10b). Two things are in view. First is perseverance, which is remaining true to God in the midst of great pressure and adversity. In view is the persecution directly attributed to the Great Tribulation.

The second thing is faith. “Faith” is the soul resting in the sufficiency of the evidence. It is taking God at His word with the unshakable conviction that what He has promised, He will bring to pass, even if the world itself and all the powers of Hell appear to be conspiring against it.

Then, without warning, John says: “Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth” (v. 11a). Oh, my! Wasn’t the first beast devastating enough? And now, we are confronted with a second beast.

The first beast (the Antichrist) will come out of the sea (the Gentile nations) and will be a Gentile. The second beast (the false prophet) will come out of the land (the nation of Israel) and will be a Jew. Like the Antichrist, he too will be empowered by the dragon (Satan) 3½ years.

Satan has now assembled his demonic team for his final attempt to take over the earth. What strategy does he employ for his diabolical work?

We will take a closer look at him in a series of articles titled, “The Beast Out of the Earth.

Marv Rosenthal, founder and President of Zion’s Hope, was an acclaimed international Bible teacher for almost 6 decades.

Published by zionshopeministry

Zion's Hope proclaims the Bible while declaring the Gospel of God's grace in Jesus throughout the world, with emphasis on Israel in history and prophecy.

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