The Beast Out of the Earth, Part 3

Part 3 of this series concludes the study of the False Prophet as well as examines the number 666.

Biblical Places: Beth-Shean

This blog, though about an historical place, warns us of the dangers of disobedience to God.

Nicodemus Came By Night

This blog explains how there was more to Nicodemus’ visit of Jesus than is usually assumed.

The Remarkable Daniel

This blog examines what made the ancient Hebrew prophet the great man he was (and extends a few kind words at another great man of the Bible).

Biblical Places: Petra

This blog looks at Petra’s fascinating history — and the role it will play in End-Time prophecy.

Daniel’s 4 Beast Empires, Part 2

In the second of this 3-part series, we will examine the nature of the beast nations, and their relationship with Israel.

Daniel’s 4 Beast Empires, Part 1

This blog series examines the Gentile nations which ruled over Israel in the past — and the final empire which will arise at the end of the age.

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