Antichrist is Coming, Part 1

Part 1 of this 2-part series takes a look at the coming world leader — and how believers in the Lord Jesus should conduct themselves when he comes to power.

Nicodemus Came By Night

This blog explains how there was more to Nicodemus’ visit of Jesus than is usually assumed.

Our Imaginative God

This blog encourages Christians to actively use their imaginations and thoughts for the glory of God.

Making Excuses

This blog encourages believers to rely heavily upon the Lord, and trust that He will equip us to do His will.

The Antichrist is Coming (Part 1)

Part 1 of this blog study looks at how believers should conduct themselves when Antichrist appears on the stage of human history.

A Warning Sounded (Matthew 24:37-39)

This blog examines the difference between the saved and the unsaved at the end of the age.

Only a “Few Hours” Remain

This blog encourages believers to be faithful in sharing the Gospel with a lost an dying world.

Are You Being Poured Out?

This blog encourages you to do more for the cause of Christ.

In These Turbulent Times, Be Patient, Persevere, and Preach

This blog makes clear how you should conduct yourself in these ever-darkening days.

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