Antichrist is Coming, Part 1

Part 1 of this 2-part series takes a look at the coming world leader — and how believers in the Lord Jesus should conduct themselves when he comes to power.


This blog examines reasons why Christians sometimes believe they are all alone in the world.

In These Turbulent Times, Be Patient, Persevere, and Preach

This blog makes clear how you should conduct yourself in these ever-darkening days.

God is Sovereign: He is in Charge and in Control

This blog assures you that despite the wickedness of the days in which we live, God has it all under control!

In the Face of Rampant Sin, Stay Rooted in Christ

This blog encourages believers to not be swayed by the world’s changing practices, but to stand firm in God’s Word.

Choose This Day Whom You Will Serve

This blog offers the ultimate challenge in these ever darkening days.

Confident Patience

This blog will help give you a different view of trials and challenges.

Surviving the ‘Cosmos’

This blog encourages Christians to include God in every aspect of life.

For Such a Time As This

This blog calls upon Christians to stand firm for Christ in these challenging days!

Why Circumstances for Christians Will Get Worse

This blog gives a biblical reason why Christians will be facing even greater challenges.

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