A Danger Cited (Matthew 24:40-41)

This blog examines just who will be left in the field and who will be taken at the end o the Age.

The Resurrection and Rapture of Believers

This blog explains what happens to believers after their lives in this world are over.

The Only Citizenship That Counts

This blog will really give you something to look forward to!

To Live is Christ – Now and Forever

This blog makes clear just how glorious the Christian’s life will be!

The Rapture at Christ’s Second Coming

This upbeat blog gives you a thumbnail look at what will occur at the Rapture!

Choose This Day Whom You Will Serve

This blog offers the ultimate challenge in these ever darkening days.

When All Sorrow Will Be Banished

In light of the tragic events of this world, this blog looks at the joy awaiting God’s children.

Death and Life in the End-Times

This blog examines the more serious of the 2 deaths every human being experiences.

Confident Patience

This blog will help give you a different view of trials and challenges.

The Return of Christ and the Rapture of the Church

This blog should get you very excited for the climactic moment of your life!

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