One Terrific Little Psalm

This blog will get you excited about praising and worshiping the Lord!

The Foolishness of the Cross

For believers, the Gospel of salvation in the Lord Jesus is the greatest of news.

Why the Cross?

This blog explains why the Crucifixion had to occur.

Revelation: The Bridge from this Age to the Next

This blog takes you on a whirlwind ride through the Bible’s final book.

God Our Glorious Refuge

This blog examines the assurance believers in the Lord Jesus Christ can rejoice in.

In Heaven, Will You Remember Unsaved Loved Ones?

This blog helps bring clarity to a difficult topic.

The Rapture of the Christians at the Second Coming of Christ

This blog will get you excited about the Rapture!

One Thing is Certain: The Blessed Hope

This blog gives Christians a reason to smile!

God’s Time Frame for Your Life

This blog will help you view your life with the proper perspective.

The Perfect Government

This blog examines a time when governmental bliss will rule the day!

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