The Temples of Israel, Part 6: The Future Temples

In Part 6 of this 6-part series, Dr. Bill Jones looks at the both the Tribulation and Millennial Temples which will at future dates be constructed in Israel.

The Growing anti-Semitism (Part 2)

In Part 2 of this 2-part post, Marv explores the spiritual reason for anti-Semitism.

When is Christ Returning?

This blog examines the timing of the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus.

Jerusalem … Your King is Coming

This blog looks at Jerusalem past, present and glorious future!

God is Sovereign: He is in Charge and in Control

This blog assures you that despite the wickedness of the days in which we live, God has it all under control!

We Need the King!

This encouraging post looks ahead to our glorious future!

The Burning Bush and Israel

In very many ways, the burning bush Moses encountered would reflect the future nation of Israel.

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