The Great Apostasy

This blog identifies that group of people who will “fall away” at the end of the age.

The ‘Coming of the Lord’ Bible Books

This teaching examines Paul’s emphasis on the greatest event Christians will ever know!

The Day of the Lord (Part 3)

This blog examines the saved and unsaved in connection with the Day of the Lord.

The Day of the Lord (Part 1)

Part 1 of this study investigates the timing and conditions of the return of Christ to Earth.

The Antichrist is Coming (Part 1)

Part 1 of this blog study looks at how believers should conduct themselves when Antichrist appears on the stage of human history.

A Warning Sounded (Matthew 24:37-39)

This blog examines the difference between the saved and the unsaved at the end of the age.

The Feasts of Trumpets (Rosh Hashana)

This blog shows how this ancient Jewish feast has crucial implications to the Church today.

Deception or Discernment?

This post encourages you to study end-times prophecy.

Absent From the Body; Home With God

This blog explains how death is a wonderful thing for believers in the Lord Jesus Christ!

Why Circumstances for Christians Will Get Worse

This blog gives a biblical reason why Christians will be facing even greater challenges.

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