The Temples of Israel, Part 2: The Tabernacle

In Part 2 of this 6-part series, Dr. Bill Jones explains how the Tabernacle served as a precursor for the Temple that would come centuries later.

Wrongly Interpreting the ‘Cloud of Witnesses’

This blog looks at phrase which I am surprised to learn that quite a few Christians get wrong.

The Promise

This blog examines the Abrahamic Covenant, and how all believers are a part of it!

Even the ‘Greatest Ever’ Doubted

This blog will help comfort Christians who have doubted.

The Return of Christ and the Rapture of the Church

This blog should get you very excited for the climactic moment of your life!

A Hurricane is Coming: Be Ready, Watching, and Working

This blog encourages Christians to be actively working for God during these last days.

A Tale of Two Cities

This blog examines the downfall of the U.S., but also the hope we have in our Lord!

God Tells us the Future (Matthew 24)

What does the future hold? Matthew 24 tells us!

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