Antichrist is Coming, Part 1

Part 1 of this 2-part series takes a look at the coming world leader — and how believers in the Lord Jesus should conduct themselves when he comes to power.

The Man of Lawlessness & the Temple

This blog looks at 2 events which MUST occur before the Day of the Lord.

Revelation: A Book You Should Know

Christians should never be intimidated from studying the Book of Revelation. On the contrary, what an eye-opening endeavor it would prove to be!

The ‘Coming of the Lord’ Bible Books

This teaching examines Paul’s emphasis on the greatest event Christians will ever know!

The Day of the Lord (Part 3)

This blog examines the saved and unsaved in connection with the Day of the Lord.

The Day of the Lord (Part 1)

Part 1 of this study investigates the timing and conditions of the return of Christ to Earth.

A Danger Cited (Matthew 24:40-41)

This blog examines just who will be left in the field and who will be taken at the end o the Age.

The Beginning of Birth Pains; the Sign of Christ’s Coming

This blog examines crucial future end-times prophecies which will soon take place.

The Great Tribulation, Part 2

Part 2 of this 2-part blog examines when the Great Tribulation will end, and identifies those who will be affected by it: the “elect.”

God’s Plans for Church, Israel Connected

This blog examines how Israel’s future impacts the Church.

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