Israel: Tribulation and Then Salvation

This blog outlines what soon will be occurring in Israel — and around the world.

In These Turbulent Times, Be Patient, Persevere, and Preach

This blog makes clear how you should conduct yourself in these ever-darkening days.

The Feasts of Trumpets (Rosh Hashana)

This blog shows how this ancient Jewish feast has crucial implications to the Church today.

The Blessed Hope is a Blessed Truth

This blog assures you that there is nothing at on Earth that can tear you away from eternal glory!

When is Christ Returning?

This blog examines the timing of the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus.

Our Savior, Judge, Redeemer, and King is Coming!

This blog wants to get you fired up over the Lord’s soon return!

The Coming Kingdom: 1,000 Years of Glory!

This blog will lift your spirits as you discover what awaits you in the near future!

God is Sovereign: He is in Charge and in Control

This blog assures you that despite the wickedness of the days in which we live, God has it all under control!

The Rapture at Christ’s Second Coming

This upbeat blog gives you a thumbnail look at what will occur at the Rapture!

The Day of the Lord: God’s Righteous Wrath

This blog examines the world’s deserved wrath which God will afflict it with at the end of the age.

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