Very Heavy New Testament Teaching

This blog examines some very sober, but necessary truth.

From Freedom to Bondage

This blog encourages “bound” Christians to rest in the grace God has freely given them.

For Such a Time As This

This blog calls upon Christians to stand firm for Christ in these challenging days!

The Lord’s Command Was Never Rescinded

Believers are to tell the world about salvation in Christ!

Declaring, Debating, and Discussing the Gospel

This blog encourages believers to be active in sharing their faith in the Lord Jesus with unbelievers.

Death and Life in the End-Times

This post encourages you to share the most important message there is!

Uniquely Difficult Days

This blog encourages believers to be about the message of the Gospel.

The World is Having Birth Pains

This blog encourages you to be in active in reading these birth-pain days in which we live.

End-Times Instructions for Pastors and Preachers

This blog will give church leaders direction for the challenging days ahead.

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