The Man of Lawlessness & the Temple

This blog looks at 2 events which MUST occur before the Day of the Lord.

The Great Apostasy

This blog identifies that group of people who will “fall away” at the end of the age.

The Day of the Lord (Part 3)

This blog examines the saved and unsaved in connection with the Day of the Lord.

The Day of the Lord (Part 1)

Part 1 of this study investigates the timing and conditions of the return of Christ to Earth.

The Day of the Lord: God’s Righteous Wrath

This blog examines the world’s deserved wrath which God will afflict it with at the end of the age.

Silence in Heaven

This blog examines a crucial verse in the Book of Revelation.

Choose This Day Whom You Will Serve

This blog offers the ultimate challenge in these ever darkening days.

‘See to It That No One Misleads You’

This blog encourages you to study your end-times’ chronology!

A Sin-Wrecked World and the Coming of Christ

This blog contrasts this current dying world with the glory of Christ’s soon return!

Humanity’s Fatal Disease in a Nutshell

This blog examines the natural state of the human race.

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