Revelation: A Book You Should Know

Christians should never be intimidated from studying the Book of Revelation. On the contrary, what an eye-opening endeavor it would prove to be!

Nicodemus Came By Night

This blog explains how there was more to Nicodemus’ visit of Jesus than is usually assumed.

The Day of the Lord (Part 3)

This blog examines the saved and unsaved in connection with the Day of the Lord.

The Day of the Lord (Part 2)

Part 2 of this study looks at the difference between the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord.

The Day of the Lord (Part 1)

Part 1 of this study investigates the timing and conditions of the return of Christ to Earth.

The Temples of Israel, Part 6: The Future Temples

In Part 6 of this 6-part series, Dr. Bill Jones looks at the both the Tribulation and Millennial Temples which will at future dates be constructed in Israel.

The Temples of Israel, Part 4: Herod’s Temple

In Part 4 of this 6-part series, Dr. Bill Jones looks at the spectacular characteristics of Herod’s Temple — and its tragic demise.

The Temples of Israel, Part 3: The Grandeur of Solomon’s Temple

In Part 3 of this series, Dr. Bill Jones examines and compares Solomon’s grandiose Temple and Zerubbabel’s “subpar” structure.

The Temples of Israel, Part 2: The Tabernacle

In Part 2 of this 6-part series, Dr. Bill Jones explains how the Tabernacle served as a precursor for the Temple that would come centuries later.

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