The Temples of Israel, Part 1: Introduction

In Part 1 of this 6-part series, Dr. Bill Jones explains why the Tabernacle and Temples were so important to the Jewish people of ancient Israel.

The Deadly Venom of Humanism

This blog encourages believers to beware of the lures of this evil world by renewing their minds in Christ.

The Antichrist is Coming (Part 3)

This blog looks at more aspects of the Antichrist, as well as the triumph of God’s people.

The Antichrist is Coming (Part 2)

This blog looks at who will be the Antichrist’s primary targets, and what his chief characteristics will be.

The Antichrist is Coming (Part 1)

Part 1 of this blog study looks at how believers should conduct themselves when Antichrist appears on the stage of human history.

A Warning Sounded (Matthew 24:37-39)

This blog examines the difference between the saved and the unsaved at the end of the age.

Israel and the Fig Tree

This blog helps clear up a longtime teaching which simply isn’t true.

The Beginning of Birth Pains; the Sign of Christ’s Coming

This blog examines crucial future end-times prophecies which will soon take place.

Wrongly Interpreting the ‘Cloud of Witnesses’

This blog looks at phrase which I am surprised to learn that quite a few Christians get wrong.


This blog looks at crucial facts associated with the chief city of the Jewish people.

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