Are You Being Poured Out?

This blog encourages you to do more for the cause of Christ.

Make Ready the Way of the Lord

This blog encourages believers to get fired up about the coming of the Lord and to tell others about it!

The Lord’s Command Was Never Rescinded

Believers are to tell the world about salvation in Christ!

Death and Life in the End-Times

This post encourages you to share the most important message there is!

Uniquely Difficult Days

This blog encourages believers to be about the message of the Gospel.

Christians Must Witness

This blog encourages believers to actively share their faith in the Lord Jesus.

God is Sovereign

Though tough times are coming to Earth, this blog gives believers much reason to rejoice!

Christian ‘Hate Speech’

This blog calls on Christians to be bold in their proclamation of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior!

Make Ready the Way of the Lord

This post encourages Christians to get out and tell the world about Jesus!

Staying Faithful to God’s Word

This blog encourages Christians to be faithful in proclaiming God’s truth.

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