The Temples of Israel, Part 6: The Future Temples

In Part 6 of this 6-part series, Dr. Bill Jones looks at the both the Tribulation and Millennial Temples which will at future dates be constructed in Israel.

The Temples of Israel, Part 5: The Temple That Was Never Built

In Part 5 of this 6-part series, Dr. Bill Jones shares with us the little-known but extremely fascinating story of the “attempted” Temple that never saw the light of day.

The Temples of Israel, Part 4: Herod’s Temple

In Part 4 of this 6-part series, Dr. Bill Jones looks at the spectacular characteristics of Herod’s Temple — and its tragic demise.

The Temples of Israel, Part 3: The Grandeur of Solomon’s Temple

In Part 3 of this series, Dr. Bill Jones examines and compares Solomon’s grandiose Temple and Zerubbabel’s “subpar” structure.

The Temples of Israel, Part 2: The Tabernacle

In Part 2 of this 6-part series, Dr. Bill Jones explains how the Tabernacle served as a precursor for the Temple that would come centuries later.

The Temples of Israel, Part 1: Introduction

In Part 1 of this 6-part series, Dr. Bill Jones explains why the Tabernacle and Temples were so important to the Jewish people of ancient Israel.

Jesus, Yes; the Mosaic Law, No

This blog takes a brief look at an often misunderstood topic.

The Death Penalty and the Bible

This blog examines a very touch subject.

The First and Last Sacrifice

This blog will give you a greater understanding and appreciation for what Christ did for you!

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