Wrongly Interpreting the ‘Cloud of Witnesses’

This blog looks at phrase which I am surprised to learn that quite a few Christians get wrong.


Our Lord and Savior knew suffering and anguish as well as anyone who ever lived – and more!

Very Heavy New Testament Teaching

This blog examines some very sober, but necessary truth.

Be of the Same Mind

This blog encourages believers in Christ to see eye-to-eye as much as possible.

The ‘Audacious’ Message Unbelievers Cringe At

This blog points to a truth which gets under the skin of many people who deny Christ.

God’s Plan for the Jewish People

This blog shows that God is no way finished with the Jewish people.

False Gospels

This blog calls upon Christians to know the truth of God by reading their Bibles.

Two Glorious Words: “But Now”

This blog examines just how blessed it is to be on the “other” side of “but now”!

The Sovereignty of God and Human Responsibility

This blog examines 2 aspects of Christian belief and worship.

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